
Ngenes ya kalau denger kata “Broken Home”. Tapi itu udah biasa buatku, nggak ada artinya sama sekali. Bertahun tahun yang lalu, terjadi sebuah hal yang masih sangat membekas di hati. Ya walau aku nggak tau persis jalan ceritanya, tapi bagaimanapun juga nggak ada anak di jaman sekarang yang pengin ngerasain apa yang kurasain waktu itu. Ya emang waktu itu aku belum terlalu paham. Tapi ketika aku udah mulai dewasa, aku makin ngerasa sakit dengan apa yang terjadi dengan hidupku. Singkatnya ANCUR !!!!
Singkat cerita, dulu mama dan bapak aku saling suka. Tapi mama lebih memilih buat pergi sama bapak aku daripada nerusin kuliahnya. Padahal mama aku itu anak yang paling pintar di keluarga besar kakekku. Terus mereka memutuskan buat nikah tanpa restu dari kakekku. Ya dari situlah lahir kakakku, aku juga nggak tau gimana kehidupannya waktu itu, pasti jauh lebih ngenes daripada aku, karena dia yang ngerasain secara langsung.
Waktu demi waktu, pernikahan mamaku dan bapakku nggak berjalan lancar. Masalah sepele jadi besar. Mama sering disiksa sama bapak. Bahkan kakakku yang waktu itu masih kecil pernah juga jadi pelampiasan kemarahan bapak aku. Karena itu, mamaku lebih milih buat cerai sama bapak aku, disaat itu lah mama sedang mengandungku. Dari aku lahir sampai sekarang, aku belum pernah tinggal serumah dengan ayahku. Kalau temen tanya “Tan, kamu nggak iri sama orang lain yang keluarganya lengkap”. Aku jawab “Loh, kenapa iri, toh aku dari kecil keluargaku ngga pernah lengkap”. Ya semenjak perceraian itu mamaku jadi benci banget sama bapakku. Semenjak saat itu juga kehidupan kita jadi terpuruk banget, banyak saudara saudara yang tidak menyukai keluargaku karena hal bodoh yang diperbuat mamaku. Mereka mencaci maki, mereka menginjak harga diri kita, tapi kita ngga bisa berbuat apa apa. Bertahun tahun kita hanya hidup bertiga. Karena mamaku putus kuliah, otomatis dia tidak punya pekerjaan yang layak, dia hanya bekerja di pabrik sebagai buruh. Dan kita pun masih menumpang di rumah kakek. Lama kelamaan kakek merasa kasian sama kita. Dia memberikan modal kepada mama buat mendirikan warung. Alhamdulillah warung itu cukup untuk menghidupi kami. Suatu hari kami memutuskan untuk pindah. Kita tinggal disebuah gubuk kecil hasil meminjam tetangga. Sangat kontras perbedaannya dengan saudara saudaraku yang lain, mereka tinggal di rumah besar, kesana kemari bawa mobil. Kita, sepeda motor pun tak punya. Haha iya aku masih inget waktu itu, aku sering ikut mama ke pasar, bawain kardus kardus yang nggak sedikit, desak desakan di angkot. Terus kalau dirumah kita cuma makan mie rebus dijadikan 3 porsi, makan pakai garam. Kalau hujan, atap bocor, banjir dimana mana. Pernah suatu kali saat aku masih TK aku bilang ke mama “Ma, besok aku dijemput pake motor ya, temen temenku pada bawa mobil”. Mama jawab “Kan mama nggak punya motor”. “Pinjem Vespa punya mbah kakung” Jawabku. Karena permintaanku itu, mama memberanikan diri buat pinjem vespa ke kakek aku. Hahahha. Ada cerita satu lagi nih, Waktu itu aku masih TK kira kira umur 4 tahun, pulang sekolah aku dijemput sama kakak aku. Padahal dia masih kelas 3 SD. Jarak rumah ke TK aku itu nggak deket loh. Harus naik angkot dulu. Bayangkan ada anak kelas 3 SD menggandeng anak TK naik angkot berdua aja. Tapi justru itu masa yang paling ngangenin, ada rasa kebersamaan.
Suatu hari, kakekku pindah ke rumah barunya. Dan kakek minta kita buat nempatin rumah lamanya. Dari situlah nasib kita mulai berubah, mama bisa beli motor buat belanja. Warung semakin besar, pembeli semakin banyak. Tapi aku makin kasihan sama mama, dia harus ke pasar pagi pagi buta. Jam 3 dia berangkat, udara dingin, membawa barang barang berat. Tapi semua itu dia lakukan buat aku dan kakakku. Tapi kebahagiaan itu nggak berlangsung lama. Semenjak kedatangan orang yang saat ini menjadi ayah tiriku membuat kehidupan kita suram. Memang dia nggak jahat. Tapi mama nikah sama dia biar ada yang bisa bantuin dia ngurus anak anaknya.Tapi ternyata dia nggak berguna, kerjaannya cuma makan tidur main. Aku dan kakakku sangat membenci dia. Udah lah, aku males bahas orang yang satu ini. Intinya dari pernikahan mamaku dan orang ini, lahir lah adikku yang super nakal.
Karena keuletan dan ketelatenan, mamaku mampu beli mobil. Murni dengan uang mamaku, kalaupun dengan campur tangan ayah tiriku, mungkin nggak ada 10%. Berkat mamaku, aku bisa sekolah di SMA favorit di Magelang. Tapi jangan salah pikir dulu, hidupku nggak menjadi baik. Sama seperti kisah sebelumnya, mama dan ayah tiriku ini sering berantem. Kali ini aku juga ikut merasakannya secara langsung. Siapa si yang mau jadi anak broken home 2x? Ya semenjak itu lah aku jadi seorang cutter, aku sering nglukain diri sendiri baik waktu ada masalah atau nggak. Kenapa? Karena aku nggak menemukan teman yang cocok buat aku jadikan tong sampah curahan hatiku. Ya mungkin karena faktor fisikku juga yang jelek. Kan orang cuma mau berteman sama orang yang cantik dan seksi. hahaha padahal aku nggak ada apa apanya. Dihina, dibully, difitnah, itu udah biasa buat aku, bahkan aku nggak lagi marah, karena itu lah takdir hidupku. Tapi cuma ada 1 yang aku sesali, Apa benar benar di dunia ini nggak ada 1 pun yang care sama aku? Aku nggak tau harus lari kemana, ketika pulang, keluarga nggak menyambutku dengam senang, ketika berangkat sekolah, aku merasa seperti manusia invisible. Suatu saat ketika mereka mencoba ‘berpura pura peduli’ dengan mempertanyakan luka yang ada di tanganku, aku nggak terlalu peduli. Karena apa? Karena aku nggak butuh rasa kasian, aku cuma butuh pengertian, kalian itu PEKA DONG,, Sampai sampai masalah percintaanku. Apa aku ngga pantes buat suka sama orang? Ya memang aku kalah saing, tapi apakah sekedar mencintai itu dilarang untukku? Terutama buat YUSEP. Aku emang sayang banget sama kamu, sampe sekarang aku juga masih sayang dan bahkan semakin bertambah dari hari ke hari, Tapi aku udah terlajur kecewa sama kamu, kamu nggak akan pernah bisa berubah, kamu juga nggak akan bisa terima aku apa adanya, yang kamu cari itu wanita yang sempurna dari lahir, bukan wanita yang merasa sempurna ketika kamu mencintainya (I do). Kadang aku ingin merombak tubuhku habis habisan, biar aku bisa dihargai dan dianggap sama orang orang seperti kalian. Tapi inilah hidupku, lonely. Aku pura pura tersenyum, aku pura pura nggak ada masalah, padahal seluruh hidupku, nafasku, darahku, adalah masalah bagi diriku sendiri.

Top 10 Bizarre Disasters

Through history, there have been some dreadful disasters leading to enormous numbers of deaths. There have also been a number of disasters that were just outright weird. This is a list of those ten most bizarre distasters.

1. The St. Pierre Snake Invasion

Volcanic activity on the ‘bald mountain’ towering over St Pierre, Martinique, was usually so inconsequential that no one took seriously the fresh steaming vent-holes and earth tremors during April, 1902. By early May, however, ash began to rain down continuously, and the nauseating stench of sulphur filled the air. Their homes on the mountainside made uninhabitable, more than 100 fer-de-lance snakes slithered down and invaded the mulatto quarter of St Pierre. The 6-ft long serpents killed 50 people and innumerable animals before they were finally destroyed by the town’s giant street cats. But the annihilation had only begun. On May 5, a landslide of boiling mud spilled into the sea, followed by a tsunami that killed hundreds and, three days later, May 8, Mt Pelee finally exploded, sending a murderous avalanche of white-hot lava straight toward the town. Within three minutes St Pierre was completely obliterated. Of its 30,000 population, there were only two survivors.

2. The Shiloh Baptist Church Panic

Two thousand people, mostly black, jammed into the Shiloh Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, on September 19, 1902, to hear an address by Booker T. Washington. The brick church was new. A steep flight of stairs, enclosed in brick, led from the entrance doors to the church proper. After Washington’s speech, there was an altercation over an unoccupied seat, and the word ‘fight’ was misunderstood as ‘fire’. The congregation rose as if on cue and stampeded for the stairs. Those who reached them first were pushed from behind and fell. Others fell on top of them until the entrance was completely blocked by a pile of screaming humanity 10 ft high. Efforts by Washington and the churchmen down in the front to induce calm were fruitless, and they stood by helplessly while their brothers and sisters, mostly the latter, were trampled or suffocated to death. There was neither fire – nor even a real fight – but 115 people died.

3. The Great Boston Molasses Flood

On January 15, 1919, the workers and residents of Boston’s North End, mostly Irish and Italian, were out enjoying the noontime sun of an unseasonably warm day. Suddenly, with only a low rumble of warning, the huge cast-iron tank of the Purity Distilling Company burst open and a great wave of raw black molasses, two storeys high, poured down Commercial Street and oozed into the adjacent waterfront area. Neither pedestrians nor horse-drawn wagons could outrun it. Two million gallons of molasses, originally destined for rum, engulfed scores of people – 21 men, women and children died of drowning or suffocation, while another 150 were injured. Buildings crumbled, and an elevated train track collapsed. Those horses not completely swallowed up were so trapped in the goo they had to be shot by the police. Sightseers who came to see the chaos couldn’t help but walk in the molasses. On their way home they spread the sticky substance throughout the city. Boston smelled of molasses for a week, and the harbour ran brown until summer.

4. The Pittsburg Gasometer Explosion

A huge cylindrical gasometer – the largest in the world at that time – located in the heart of the industrial centre of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, developed a leak. On the morning of November 14, 1927, repairmen set out to look for it – with an open-flame blowlamp. At about 10 o’clock they apparently found the leak. The tank, containing 5 million cu. ft of natural gas, rose in the air like a balloon and exploded. Chunks of metal, some weighing more than 100 lbs, were scattered great distances, and the combined effects of air pressure and fire left a square mile of devastation. Twenty-eight people were killed and hundreds were injured.

5. The Gillingham Fire Demonstration

Every year the firemen of Gillingham, in Kent, England, would construct a makeshift ‘house’ out of wood and canvas for the popular fire-fighting demonstration at the annual Gillingham Park fête. Every year, too, a few local boys were selected from many aspirants to take part in the charade. On July 11, 1929, nine boys – aged 10 to 14 – and six firemen costumed as if for a wedding party, climbed to the third floor of the ‘house’. The plan was to light a smoke fire on the first floor, rescue the ‘wedding party’ with ropes and ladders, and then set the empty house ablaze to demonstrate the use of the fire hoses. By some error, the real fire was lit first. The spectators, assuming the bodies they saw burning were dummies, cheered and clapped, while the firemen outside directed streams of water on what they knew to be a real catastrophe. All 15 people inside the house died.

6. The Empire State Building Crash

On Saturday morning, July 28, 1945, a veteran Army pilot took off in a B-25 light bomber from Bedford, Massachusetts, headed for Newark, New Jersey, the co-pilot and a young sailor hitching a ride were also aboard. Fog made visibility poor. About an hour later, people on the streets of midtown Manhattan became aware of the rapidly increasing roar of a plane and watched with horror as a bomber suddenly appeared out of the clouds, dodged between skyscrapers, and then plunged into the side of the Empire State Building. Pieces of plane and building fell like hail. A gaping hole was gouged in the 78th floor, one of the plane’s two engines hurtled through seven walls and came out the opposite side of the building, and the other engine shot through an elevator shaft, severing the cables and sending the car plummeting to the basement. When the plane’s fuel tank exploded, six floors were engulfed in flame, and burning gasoline streamed down the sides of the building. Fortunately, few offices were open on a Saturday, and only 11 people – plus the three occupants of the plane – died.

7. The Tunguska Event

On June 30, 1908, a huge explosion occurred near the Podkamennaya (Under Rock) Tunguska River in what is now Krasnoyarsk Krai of Russia. The airburst was most likely caused by a meteor or comet fragment about 20m (60ft) across. Although the meteor or comet is considered to have burst prior to hitting the surface, this event is still referred to as an impact event. The energy of the blast was estimated to be between 10 and 20 megatons of TNT, 1,000 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, or equivalent to Castle Bravo, the most powerful nuclear bomb ever detonated by the US.

The Tunguska explosion felled an estimated 80 million trees over 2,150 square kilometers (830 sq mi). The devastation is still visible today in satellite images of the area.

8. The Texas City Chain Reaction Explosions

On April 15, 1947, the French freighter Grandcamp docked at Texas City, Texas, and took on some 1,400 tons of ammonium nitrate fertiliser. That night a fire broke out in the hold of the ship. By dawn, thick black smoke had port authorities worried because the Monsanto chemical plant was only 700 ft away. As men stood on the dock watching, tugboats prepared to tow the freighter out to sea. Suddenly a ball of fire enveloped the ship. For many it was the last thing they ever saw. A great wall of flame radiated outward from the wreckage, and within minutes the Monsanto plant exploded, killing and maiming hundreds of workers and any spectators who had survived the initial blast. Most of the business district was devastated, and fires raged along the waterfront, where huge tanks of butane gas stood imperilled. Shortly after midnight, a second freighter – also carrying nitrates – exploded, and the whole sequence began again. More than 500 people died, and another 1,000 were badly injured.

9. The Basra Mass Poisoning

In September 1971 a shipment of 90,000 metric tons of seed grain arrived in the Iraqi port of Basra. The American barley and Mexican wheat – which had been chemically treated with methyl-mercury to prevent rot – were sprayed a bright pink to indicate their lethal coating, and clear warnings were printed on the bags – but only in English and Spanish. Before they could be distributed to the farmers, the bags were stolen from the docks, and the grain was sold as food to the starving populace. The Iraqi government, embarrassed at its criminal negligence or for other reasons, hushed up the story, and it was not until two years later that an American newsman came up with evidence that 6,530 hospital cases of mercury poisoning were attributable to the unsavoury affair. Officials would admit to only 459 deaths, but total fatalities were probably more like 6,000, with another 100,000 suffering such permanent effects as blindness, deafness and brain damage.

10. The Chandka Forest Elephant Stampede

In the spring of 1972, the Chandka Forest area in India – already suffering from drought – was hit by a searing heat wave as well. The local elephants, who normally were no problem, became so crazed by the high temperatures and lack of water that the villagers told authorities they were afraid to venture out and to farm their land. By summer the situation had worsened. On July 10, the elephant herds went berserk and stampeded through five villages, leaving general devastation and 24 deaths in their wake.

Source: The Book of Lists

By intannurvitra Posted in History

Adam Lambert’s Next Album: All ’80s Covers?

According to sources, the “American Idol” season-eight runner-up is considering a concept record for his next release.

An as-yet-unsolved mystery of the American Idol alumni world: When will season-eight runner-up and fan favorite Adam Lambert release a new album? And what will it sound like?

The Hollywood Reporter has gathered some potentially major intel on what could be the follow-up to 2012’s Trespassing. According to sources, Lambert’s label, RCA Records, is pushing for an all-covers album. Specifically from one highly influential decade: the 1980s.

It should come as little surprise considering Lambert’s version of Tears for Fears’ “Mad World,” which he performed on Idol and subsequently on various tour dates, has been heralded as one of the best and most original performances the Fox show has ever seen — and heard.

And if Lambert’s July 3 appearance at Hollywood club Playhouse, which doubled as a fundraiser for Trevor Project, is any indication, he already is diving into the task by taking on another Tears for Fears hit, 1985’s “Shout,” which he played that night as part of an hourlong set, as well as on July 2 during a concert in San Diego.

PHOTOS: ‘American Idol’: Randy Jackson Through the Years

Asked at the event whether he had plans for an all-covers collection, Lambert stayed mum on any recording plans, saying only, “Rumors are funny little things, aren’t they?” But asked which song defines the decade of big hair and glam, he offered “Shout,” noting, “Tears for Fears are pretty amazing.”

A rep for the singer tells THR, “Nothing has been determined yet” but acknowledges that the idea of a concept album of songs from another era is just one of several currently being bandied about.

RCA Records would not comment.

Lambert’s Trespassing sold a respectable 185,000 copies, according to Nielsen SoundScan, about a fifth of how his debut, 2009’s For Your Entertainment, performed. But many fans feel it fizzled because of lack of radio and tour support. A label source acknowledges that internally, enthusiasm was lacking for the sophomore effort but that the Sony-owned company could get behind a covers collection so long as execs have input into such aspects as song selection and cover art.

As for other Lambert rumors du jour, the possibility of him joining the Idol judges’ panel hasn’t progressed much, it seems, as he repeated a line from back in May when he told reporters he’d be “thrilled” to join.

VIDEO: Adam Lambert: ‘American Idol’ Judge?

Fortunately, his other passion, the fight for LGBTQ rights, has made serious strides in the past few weeks, not the least of which emanated from the Supreme Court’s recent ruling striking down a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act.

Said Lambert of the emotions he felt on the day DOMA news came down: “There was a sense of relief. I think we all kind of felt like Prop 8 got screwed up the first time, so it was nice to see it fixed. Retribution is a nice feeling.” As is handing over a $50,000 check (courtesy of AT&T as part of the Live Proud! campaign) to a cause so close to his heart.

That exuberance was palpable at Playhouse, where Lambert belted a flawless set that included radio hits “If I Had You” and “Whataya Want From Me,” covers like Jimi Hendrix’s “Purple Haze,” Lenny Kravitz’s “Are You Gonna Go My Way” and Bob Marley’s “Is This Love,” as well as such album tracks as “Trespassing” and “Outlaws of Love.”

No word yet on when a new Lambert album may be out.

10 Fakta Unik Presiden Amerika Serikat


#1.Thomas Jefferson, Pioner Mebel Perkantoran


Thomas Jefferson adalah presiden ketiga Amerika Serikat, dan banyak yang mengatakan presiden terhebat Amerika Serikat. Dia adalah penggagas utama Declaration of Independence, dia mengawasi pembelian Louisiana yang mengamankan banyak wilayah Amerika Serikat modern, dan dia mengirim Lewis dan Clark untuk menjelajah dunia barat. Namun, mungkin pencapaian terbesarnya adalah menciptakan kursi putar pertama di dunia.

#2.Tinggi Badan Presiden Amerika Serikat


Amerika menyukai presiden yang tinggi. Di zaman modern, sejak berakhirnya Perang Dunia II, kandidat yang lebih tinggi memiliki keuntungan besar dalam pemilihan. Faktanya, hanya 25 persen presiden dengan badan yang lebih pendek yang mampu memenangkan pemilihan, dengan Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, dan George W. Bush (dua kali) mampu mengalahkan kandidat presiden yang lebih tinggi. Dan pasca 1900, tidak ada calon presiden dengan tinggi 175 cm atau di bawahnya yang terpilih sebagai presiden (William McKinley dengan tinggi 170 cm yang terpilih pada 1900 adalah presiden pendek terakhir yang mampu memenangi pemililihan dan menduduki Gedung Putih).
Ini mungkin pertanda buruk untuk Barack Obama yang memiliki tinggi 185 cm. Meskipun dia dengan mudah mengalahkan John McCain dengan tinggai 175 cm (terlihat pada foto di atas) pada 2008, tahun ini dia berhadapan dengan Mitt Romney yang lebih tinggi, dengan tinggi badan 187 cm.

#3.Grover Cleverland Menikah


Grover Cleverland, presiden Amerika Serikat ke-22 dan ke-24, memiliki perbedaan dengan presiden Amerika Serikat lainnya dengan menjadi presiden satu-satunya yang kembali terpilih setelah kalah sebelumnya. Wakil Partai Demokrat itu memenangkan pemilihan pertamanya pada 1884, kalah (kalah tipis, dan mungkin kalah karena kecurangan) pada 1888, tapi kemudian kembali menang untuk kedua kalinya pada 1892.

Namun, Cleverland menarik karena alasan lain: dia adalah presiden satu-satunya sampai sekarang yang menggelar pernikahan ketika menjabat sebagai presiden. Dan pernikahannya tidak biasa. Cleveland berusia 49 tahun ketika menikahi Frances Folsom yang berusia 21 tahun. Folsom adalah putri dari teman dekatnya – dan lebih uniknya lagi, setelah kematian teman dekatnya tersebut, dia menjadi wali resmi Folsom, kemudian menikahinya. Dan dia suka memanggil Folsom dengan sebutan ‘Frank’.Mungkin kalau ini terjadi zaman sekarang, media mungkin akan mengangkat beritanya sebagai sesutau yang luar biasa.

#4. James Garfield Tukang Pamer


Amerika Serikat memiliki banyak presiden yang cerdas, tapi sebagian dari cenderung suka mendemonstrasikan intelektualiatas mereka. Presiden Amerika Serikat ke-20 James Garfield suka pamer di pesta-pesta dengan sebuah trik unik. Dia akan menulis dalam bahasa Latin dengan satu tangan, sementara pada saat bersamaan menulis bahasa Yunani Kuno dengan tangan lainnya.

#5.William Henry Harrison, Hanya Menjabat Selama 1 Bulan


Sebagian besar presiden menjabat selama empat hingga delapan tahun. Namun pada 1841, presiden kesembilan William Henry Harrison hanya menjabat selama satu bulan, masa jabatan terpendek yang pernah ada. Masa jabatannya sebagai presiden harus berakhir karena dia meninggal akibat pneumonia setelah 30 hari, 12 jam, 30 menit disumpah sebagai presiden.

#6.Nama Julukan Amerika Serikat


Banyak presiden mendapat nama julukan. Banyak yang mendapat julukan yang dahsyat, dan juga aneh. Grover Cleveland mendapat julukan ‘Uncle Jumbo’. John Tyler mendapat julukan ‘His Accidenty’. Zachary Taylor dengan ‘Old Rough And Ready’. Andrew Jackson disebut dengan ‘Old Hickory’. Ulysses S. Grant (atas) terkenal dengan julukan ‘Unconditional Surrender Grant’, dan Rutherford B. Hayes mendapat sebutan ‘Rutherfraud’. Chester A. Arthur terkenal dengan nama ‘Dude President’. Lebih keren dibandingkan yang lain.

#7.William Howard, Presiden Tergemuk Amerika Serikat


Siapa presiden Amerika Serikat dengan bobot paling berat? Jawabannya adalah presiden ke-27 William Howard Taft, dengan berat badan lebih dari 136 kg. Dia sangat gemuk sampai terkadang terjebak di bak mandi Gedung Putih, dan membutuhkan bantuan untuk mengangkatnya dari kamar mandi. (Dia akhirnya memiliki bak mandi yang lebih besar).

#8.Hewan Peliharaan Presiden


Sebagian besar presiden pernah memelihara hewan – dengan kucing, anjing, dan kuda yang paling populer. Namun, beberapa presiden memiliki selera hewan sedikit lebih bervariasi. Sebagai contoh, John Quincy Adams dan Herbert Hoover memelihara buaya. Dua hewan eksotis kepresidenan terbesar mungkin milik Calvin Coolidge dan Theodore Roosevelt. Di antara kebun binatang milik Coolidge ada hewan-hewan seperti dua anak singa dengan nama Tax Reduction dan Budget Bureau, seeokor walabi , beruang, antelop, kuda nil kerdil dan dua rakun dengan nama Rebecca dan Horace (Rebecca difoto di atas bersama istri Coolidge, Grace). Theodore Roosevelt, sementara itu, memiliki banyak anjing, seekor babi, lima hamster, nuri, ular dengan nama Emily Spinach dan seekor badger bernama Josiah yang suka menggigit orang.
Namun, Josiah tidak memegang rekor hewan peliharaan presiden yang paling berperilaku buruk. Kehormatan itu menjadi milik burung beo Andrew Jackson, bernama Poll, yang harus dikeluarkan dari upacara pemakaman Jackson karena dia tidak berhenti mengumpat.

#9.Andrew Johnson Pemabuk


Sebelum menjadi presiden ke-17 Amerika Serikat, Andrew Johnson adalah wakil presiden Abraham Lincoln. Namun, pelantikannya sebagai wakil presiden tidak berjalan dengan lancar pada 1865, hal itu dikarenakan Johnson menutupi wajahnya. Johnson menegak whiskey setiap hari – sebagai usaha untuk melawan penyakit demam tifoid. Saat upacara pelantikan berlangsung, dia sangat mabuk dan dan tidak bisa melakukan sumpah jabatan dan mewakilkannya kepada para senator yang baru. Kami tidak yakin bagaimana alasan ‘mabuk karena berusaha menyembuhkan demam tifoid’ akan berhasil di kantor kami. Tidak akan berhasil tampaknya.

# 10.Kode Nama Presiden


Kode nama Secret Service untuk presiden adalah hiburan yang tiada henti – kode nama Ronald Reagan adalah ‘Rawhide’, George H. W. Bush adalah ‘Timberwolf’, Bill Clinton adalah ‘Eagle’, George W. Bush adalah ‘Trailblazer’ dan Barack Obama adalah ‘Renegade’.

Bukan hanya presiden yang mendapat kode nama, wakil presiden dan keluarganya juga mendapatkannya. Itu tidak selalu berjalan baik untuk mereka. Anak perempuan Al Gore, Karena, mengeluh karena Secret Service memberikan waktu yang sangat sempit untuk memutuskan kode namanya sendiri. Karena baru menyadari betapa buruk pilihannya setelah dia dipanggil ‘Smurfette’ kemanapun dia pergi.

Adam Lambert Rayakan Tahun Baru di Bali

Jakarta – Untuk pertama kalinya jebolan American Idol Adam Lambert akan menggelar konser di Indonesia. Adam akan memeriahkan malam pergantian tahun di Bali.

Adam akan tampil di The Grand Ballroom, Mulia Resort, Nusa Dua, Bali pada 31 Desember mendatang. Demikian rilis yang diterima detikHOT, Jumat (28/12/2012).

Harga tiket untuk konser tersebut sudah mulai dijual sejak beberapa minggu lalu. Tiket dibagi dalam beberapa kelas. Harga juga berbeda untuk Anda yang menginap di Hotel Mulia ataupun tidak.

Untuk mereka yang menginap di Hotel Mulia tiket seharga sekitar Rp 4,7 juta kelas Silver, Rp 5,7 juta kelas Gold dan Rp 6,6 juta Platinum. Sementara jika tidak menginap di Hotel Mulia maka tiket kelas Silver seharga Rp 5,2 juta, Gold Rp 6,2 juta dan Platinum Rp 7,2 juta.

Harga tiket dijual dengan satuan mata uang dolar Amerika. Kemampuan olah suara yang mumpuni dan kepopuleran Adam di dunia musik internasional menjadi alasan mengapa ia diundang tampil di Bali.

Sementara itu perayaan tahun baru di Hotel Mulia Jakarta akan dimeriahkan aksi Rick Price. Untuk konser tersebut calon penonton tak perlu mengeluarkan uang lebih. Cukup membooking kamar hotel ataupun reservasi di restoran dan klab Hotel Mulia.x2_f2c0a7f

Adam’s Religious Beliefs

I totally understand the desire to keep discussion of religion to a minimum on this fan site in an effort to prevent a large religious debate from erupting and to respect the fact that Adam isn’t religious.

At the same time, I imagine that many fans are curious about Adam’s faith because he is very inspirational and listening to his interviews and watching his performances sometimes feels like a spiritual experience. Smiling

Adam tweeted on 4/04/2010 “I’m Jew ISH by blood not by practice. I’m not religious. More spiritual.” and “I DO believe in a higher power.”

The concepts of “Jewish, but not practicing” and “spiritual, but not religious” may not be understood by everyone on this site given the diversity of the cultural backgrounds of Adam’s fans.

Judaism is a religion that is more than 3000 years old. It originated in the region that we now call Israel/Palestine. People who practice Judaism believe that there is only one God. Their holy scriptures are found in the Tanakh. These scriptures are pretty similar to the Christian Old Testament. The Christian New Testament is NOT part of Judaism. Jesus is viewed by some Jews as possibly having been a great man, but he is not considered to be divine.

If someone identifies as Jewish, it often means that he follows the practices, beliefs, doctrines, and rituals of Judaism, but this isn’t always the case. Unlike Christians and Muslims, Jews often identify themselves as all being part of the same ethnic group, no matter where they are living in the world.

Adam identifies as Jewish because his ETHNICITY is Jewish, in the same way that my ethnicity is part Scottish and someone else’s is Punjabi or Latino/a. (More specifically, if I’m correct, Adam’s mother is Jewish. I don’t know the ethnic background of his father.) But he doesn’t practice Judaism. He doesn’t generally practice Jewish rituals or celebrate Jewish festivals. In his 2/18/2010 DonorsChoose interview, he said that he only went to a few weeks of Hebrew school as a child and that he hadn’t had a ceremony to celebrate his bar mitzvah. He tweeted on 04/04/2010 that he hadn’t celebrated Passover in over 10 years.

Many people around the world identify as being spiritual, but not religious. This usually means that they don’t follow any of the practices, beliefs, doctrines, or rituals of any specific religious tradition, such as Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, or Buddhism. But they DO still believe that God or some kind of higher power or intelligence does exist..

Adam has said on several occasions that he’s into astrology. He said in his DonorsChoose interview that he didn’t know whether or not he believed in reincarnation.

As far as I know, this is about all that Adam has shared about his beliefs. It’s important, I think, that we don’t assume that he believes something unless he says he does.

If there’s anything inaccurate about this little essay, please let me know, and I will gladly correct it

Adam Lambert: Live in the Vineyard Performance!

Adam Lambert rocks out on stage during his performance for the Live In The Vineyard festival held at the Uptown Theatre on Saturday (November 3) in Napa, Calif.

The 30-year-old singer performed many of his hit songs, including “Trespassing,” “Whataya Want From Me,” “Naked Love,” “Is This Love,” “Broken English,” and “Shady”.

PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Adam Lambert

Adam recently tweeted a sentiment on his political beliefs.

“One of my responsibilities as a celebrity is to help bring light and attention to events and causes that I believe in. To make a difference if you don’t agree with my political opinions that is totally ok. You can still be a fan of my music. I’m not looking to convert, just share,” Adam said.

Adam Lambert’s Career

Adam Mitchel Lambert (born January 29, 1982) is an American singer, songwriter, and actor from San Diego, California. In May 2009, he finished as the runner-up on the eighth season of American Idol.[2] The Times identified Lambert as one of the few openly gay mainstream pop artists to launch a career on a major label in the United States.[3]
Lambert released his debut album, For Your Entertainment, in November 2009, via RCA Records/19 Recordings.[4] The album debuted at number three on the Billboard 200 in December 2009, selling 198,000 copies in the United States in the first week.[5][6] In 2010, Lambert was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for “Whataya Want from Me”.

Early life
Adam Lambert was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is the son of Leila, an interior designer, and Eber Lambert, a program manager for Novatel Wireless.[7] He has a younger brother, Neil.[8]
Lambert’s family moved to California shortly after his birth and he was raised in Rancho Peñasquitos in northeastern San Diego. He attended Deer Canyon Elementary School, Mesa Verde Middle School, where he was a winner in the Airband competition (featuring Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”), and Mount Carmel High School (MCHS), where he was in theater, choir, and frequently performed vocals with the school’s jazz band “MC Jazz”.[9] Some of his memorable MCHS performances included Frederic in The Pirates of Penzance and “It’s Only a Paper Moon” with MC Jazz.
Lambert’s father is of “mostly Norwegian” descent[10] and his mother is Jewish. He was raised in his mother’s religion.[11][12][13] He has performed in Hebrew at Jewish events, singing songs such as “Shir LaShalom” at a 2005 tribute concert to assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.[11][14] Lambert attended Temple of the Arts in San Diego and has performed at the Kol Nidre service on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur.[15] Lambert also performed in Jewish-themed The Ten Commandments: The Musical as Joshua, performing the song “Is Anybody Listening?”[16]
Early career
Lambert has been a stage actor since he was about ten years old. He was cast as Linus in San Diego’s Lyceum Theater’s production of You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.[17] Around age twelve, he was cast in a production of Fiddler on the Roof and continued performing throughout his teenage years including Hello, Dolly!, Chess, Camelot, The Music Man, Grease and played Captain Hook in Peter Pan. At age 19, Lambert left the U.S. to tour with Anita Mann Productions for ten months before returning to the U.S. to perform light opera in Orange County, California. He was then cast in the European production of Hair and U.S. theater productions of Brigadoon and 110 in the Shade, before being cast in the role of Joshua in The Ten Commandments: The Musical at the Kodak Theatre alongside Val Kilmer. Lambert was one of the few actors in the play that garnered a positive review.[18] From December 2006 to May 2007,[19] Lambert briefly moonlighted as the front man for underground rock band The Citizen Vein with Steve Sidelnyk, Tommy Victor and Monte Pittman.[20] Lambert also met producer Malcolm Welsford in 2005, who claims to have helped develop his recording career.[21] Since 2004, he has regularly performed at the Upright Cabaret and the Zodiac Show, which was co-created by Carmit Bachar of the Pussycat Dolls.
From 2005-2008 he performed in the ensemble, as well as understudy the role of Fiyero, in the national tour and Los Angeles productions of Wicked.[18]
American Idol
Lambert auditioned for the eighth season of American Idol in San Francisco, California. In a Rolling Stone interview he said his decision to audition for the show came after a week at Burning Man where he experimented with “certain funguses.” He went on to say that “I had a psychedelic experience where I looked up at the clouds and went, ‘Oh!’ I realized that we all have our own power, and that whatever I wanted to do, I had to make happen.”[22]
During his initial audition, he sang “Rock With You” and “Bohemian Rhapsody.” Lambert had cited several musical influences, including Madonna, Queen, David Bowie, Michael Jackson, Aerosmith, and Led Zeppelin.[23][24][25] In the semifinals, Lambert was voted into the Top 13, joining fellow Group 2 performers Allison Iraheta and Kris Allen. Lambert and Allen became roommates in the Idol mansion, with Allen stating it was due to their neatness.[26]
During Michael Jackson week, he sang “Black or White” leading to praise from all four judges, with Paula Abdul predicting that he would go on to the finals.[27] The following week, Lambert sang a version of “Ring of Fire”. While Randy Jackson, Kara DioGuardi, and Abdul all liked his performance, Simon Cowell called it “indulgent rubbish”.[28] On Motown night, Lambert sang an acoustic version of The Miracles’, “The Tracks of My Tears”. The judges all liked it, and Smokey Robinson, the week’s mentor and the original singer-songwriter, gave Lambert a standing ovation. For his Top 8 performance, Lambert sang the 2001 Michael Andrews and Gary Jules arrangement of “Mad World”. Because the show had exceeded its time slot, only Cowell gave a critique, which he did by simply giving Lambert a standing ovation. During the results next night, the other judges agreed that a standing ovation was the best critique of Lambert’s performance.[29] For his second Top 7 performance, Lambert sang “If I Can’t Have You”, delivering what DioGuardi described as his “most memorable performance”, while Cowell described his vocals as “immaculate”. Abdul was reduced to tears, with host Ryan Seacrest joking that Lambert had melted her into a “pool of Abdul”.[30] In the Top 4, Lambert was the first to sing, performing “Whole Lotta Love”. Cowell commented, “that was one of my favorite performances…nobody can top that now”, while Abdul, punning on the song’s title, described Lambert’s performance as “a whole lotta perfect”.
Photos of Lambert romantically kissing another man surfaced while he was competing on American Idol. Initially shown and discussed by commentators on The O’Reilly Factor, the panel agreed that the images would likely have no impact on the competition.[31] Lambert confirmed that the photos were of him, stating he had nothing to hide and has always been open about his life.[32] Mainstream media speculation centered on Lambert’s sexuality; presuming he was gay, he would be the first gay American Idol.[33][note 1] Much of the media focus regarded the readiness of American Idol voters for an openly gay winner.[33] Asked by Rolling Stone whether the speculation surrounding his sexual orientation impacted the final vote, Lambert laughed and said “probably”.[34] He confirmed that he was gay in a Rolling Stone cover story interview shortly after he was named the American Idol runner-up.[35]
For the top three show, where each of the three remaining contestants does a hometown visit and performance, Lambert sang both Michael Jackson’s “Black or White”, and the Michael Andrews / Gary Jules version of Tears for Fears’ “Mad World” at his alma mater, Mt. Carmel High School.[36][37] Afterwards, San Diego mayor Jerry Sanders declared May 8, 2009 “Adam Lambert Day.”[38]
On May 20, 2009, Lambert was announced as the runner-up for the eighth season of American Idol. Lambert performed a medley of “Beth”, “Detroit Rock City”, and “Rock and Roll All Nite” with rock band Kiss during the final episode. His version of the winning single “No Boundaries” was later released on iTunes alongside American Idol winner Kris Allen’s version. Before the results were announced, Allen and Lambert joined together with Queen’s original guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor to perform the anthem “We Are the Champions”.[39]
Upon winning, Allen said, “Adam deserved this.” Explaining this remark, Allen said that he thought Lambert deserved to win as much as he did, and that Lambert “was the most consistent person all year. He was seriously one of the most gifted performers that I’ve ever met.”[40]
The LA Times has ranked Lambert 5th in their list of the top 120 American Idol contestants, selected from seasons 1 to 9 of the show.
2009: For Your Entertainment
In May 2009 Billboard magazine confirmed his solo album was expected to be released in November 2009. Lambert stated that he would love to work with Slash, stating “When I was working with Slash I felt at home.” He also stated that his solo album would be eclectic, having a variety of sounds.[42] Rock group Queen, with whom Lambert performed on the season finale, were at one point rumored to be considering asking Lambert to be their new frontman.[43] Lambert was a guest on Larry King Live (guest-hosted by Ryan Seacrest) along with Kris Allen, judge Paula Abdul, and the rest of the top ten finalists. In that appearance he stated that he planned to create a multi-genre album, calling it a “rock-pop-electronic-dance thing”.[44] Lambert stuck to those intentions; the album he subsequently released conformed highly to his description of the album he planned to make.[45]
Adam Lambert worked with producers Greg Wells, Ryan Tedder, Max Martin, Sam Sparro, RedOne,[4] Dr. Luke, and Linda Perry, among others, in the run-up to the release of his debut album, For Your Entertainment.[46] Aimee Mayo stated on Twitter that she wrote at least two songs for Lambert,[47] one co-written with Ryan Tedder and Chris Lindsey and, another with Ferras, the latter of which was not included for selection. Lady Gaga also reportedly wrote a song that they spent some time recording.[48] On October 28, 2009, Lambert announced via Twitter that his lead single from his debut album would be “For Your Entertainment”, a song that was produced by Dr. Luke.[49]
Lambert was recruited to record the soundtrack “Time for Miracles” for the disaster movie 2012 that was released on October 20, 2009 as a side project single. The song was lauded ahead of its release by Queen’s guitarist, Brian May, who described himself as being “completely blown away” upon hearing the track.[50] The track “Time for Miracles” also appears on For Your Entertainment.[51]
On June 19, 2009, Hi Fi Recordings and Wilshire Records revealed that they would be releasing On With the Show, a compilation of songs Lambert had recorded prior to American Idol while working as a session musician.[52] The album’s first single is “Want.”[53] Lambert later issued a statement through 19 Entertainment stating, “Back in 2005 when I was a struggling artist, I was hired as a studio singer to lend my vocals to tracks written by someone else. I was broke at the time and this was my chance to make a few bucks, so I jumped at the opportunity to record for my first time in a professional studio. The work I did back then in no way reflects the music I am currently in the studio working on.”[54]
Lambert won two awards in 2009: the Young Hollywood Award for Artist of the Year and the Teen Choice Award for Reality/Variety Star.[55][56] Lambert participated in the American Idols LIVE! Tour 2009 with his fellow Top 10 contestants; the tour visited 50 cities in the United States and Canada from July 5 to September 15, 2009.
In November, Lambert performed “For Your Entertainment” at the American Music Awards of 2009. The performance showed Lambert kissing a male bassist, grinding a dancer’s head against his pelvis, and grabbing the crotch of another. Lambert told Rolling Stone magazine, “Female performers have been doing this for years—pushing the envelope about sexuality—and the minute a man does it, everybody freaks out. We’re in 2009—it’s time to take risks, be a little more brave, time to open people’s eyes and if it offends them, then maybe I’m not for them. My goal was not to piss people off, it was to promote freedom of expression and artistic freedom.”[57] In response to his performance, the Parents Television Council, a conservative decency campaigning group,[58] urged viewers to complain to the FCC.[59] The performance, at the end of the show, was broadcast “outside the FCC’s usual 6am-10pm time frame prohibiting the broadcast of indecent material”.[60] ABC received about 1,500 telephoned complaints and announced he would not perform on Good Morning America on November 25 as planned.[61][62] CBS subsequently invited Lambert to perform instead on The Early Show, on the same date in New York City.[63]
2010: Glam Nation Tour
The Canadian website and magazine Rockstar Weekly published an Adam Lambert fan magazine in February 2010 featuring fun and inspirational stories from Lambert fans around the world. The issue sold-out quickly in its limited first run and was re-issued in October 2010 with extra pages.[64]
February 27, 2010 Lambert performed his first official solo concert, held at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino in Indio, California.[65] He appeared on American Idol as a guest mentor in an episode airing April 13, 2010.[66] In June 2010, he won the UR Fave: International Video award at the MuchMusic Video Awards.
Lambert kicked off his first solo tour on June 4, 2010. The Glam Nation Tour went throughout the United States with Allison Iraheta and Orianthi. In fall 2010, he took the Glam Nation Tour internationally.[67]
On December 6, 2010, Lambert released an acoustic EP, titled Acoustic Live!, recorded in various countries. He also announced that he is already working on his second album and that is expected to be released in 2011.[68]
Lambert is currently working on his second album, which is expected to be released fall of 2011.[69]
On July 29, Lambert performed at the Ste Agathe en Feux Festival. During his set, he premiered a stripped down version of Outlaws of Love, a song to be released on his untitled second album.[70][71]
On August 5, it was announced that Lambert changed management from 19 Entertainment to Direct Management Group

Fakta Unik Kehidupan Astronot Di Luar Angkasa

1.Satu hari mengalami 17x matahari terbit

Matahari terbit dan terbenam setiap 90 menit di orbit , sehingga sangat sulit untuk tidur nyenyak karena tidak adanya hari normal / siklus malam. Untuk mengatasi ini, administrator ISS mengatur jadwal astronot untuk menjaga agar kegiatan mereka sesuai. Jam onboard ISS diset ke Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Untuk menjaga astronot tetap pada jadwalnya, Mission Control melakukan panggilan saat bangun tidur. Untuk mengisi waktu Mereka biasanya memainkan musik dan kegiatan sejenisnya

2.Anda Akan Tumbuh lebih tinggi

Tanpa gaya tekan gravitasi, tulang belakang Anda berkembang dan Anda tumbuh lebih tinggi, biasanya antara 5cm dan 8cm. Sayangnya, tinggi ekstra dapat membawa komplikasi, yang dapat mencakup masalah sakit punggung dan saraf.

3.Berhenti Mendengkur

Sebuah studi 2001 menunjukkan bahwa astronot yang mendengkur di Bumi tertidur diam di ruang angkasa. Itu karena gravitasi memainkan peran yang dominan dalam generasi apneas, hypopneas, dan mendengkur. NASA bahkan telah merekam aktivitas awak kapal yang sering mendengkur , tetapi efek gravitasi nol muncul untuk mengurangi mendengkur.

4.Beberapa makanan dan bumbu membutuhkan penambahan air untuk dimakan

Dalam pesawat, garam dan merica tersedia tetapi hanya dalam bentuk cair. Hal ini karena astronot tidak menaburkan garam dan merica pada makanan mereka di ruang angkasa. Garam dan merica hanya akan mengambang. Sangat berbahaya karena bisa menyumbat ventilasi udara, mencemari peralatan atau terjebak dalam mulut, mata atau hidung astronot.

5.Astronot terlama yang tinggal di pesawat selama 438 hari

Rekor untuk misi terlama dipegang oleh kosmonot Rusia Valeri Polyakov, yang menyelesaikan 438 hari (atau 14 bulan) perjalanan dinas di dalam stasiun ruang angkasa Mir pada tahun 1995

6.Hanya 3 orang yang pernah meninggal di pesawat antariksa

Para awak dari Soyuz 11, Georgi Dobrovolski, Viktor Patsayev dan Vladislav Volkov, tewas setelah undocking dari stasiun ruang angkasa Salyut 1 setelah tinggal tiga minggu.

7.Hampir setiap astronot mengalami space sickness

Dengan tidak adanya gravitasi, sinyal dari sistem vestibulary dan reseptor tekanan menjadi kacau. Efeknya biasanya menyebabkan disorientasi pada tubuh: banyak astronot tiba-tiba merasa diri mereka seperti terbalik, atau bahkan mengalami kesulitan dalam penginderaan lokasi lengan dan kaki mereka sendiri. disorientasi ini adalah penyebab utama dari apa yang disebut Space Adaptasi Syndrome

8.Hal yang paling sulit adalah untuk Adaptasi ketika Anda kembali dari ruang angkasa

Ketika mereka kembali ke bumi, astronot harus beradaptasi kembali seperti pengalaman ketika mereka pertama kali ke ruang angkasa. Ada satu fase adaptasi yang agak lama untuk di biasakan, Beberapa kosmonot Rusia telah melaporkan bahwa beberapa bulan setelah penerbangan , mereka masih sesekali melepaskan cangkir atau benda lain di udara – dan bingung ketika jatuh ke lantai. Hahaha. berarti mereka pasti tidak heran ataupun takut melihat hantu gentayangan.

9.Radiasi Cosmic membuat Anda melihat Silauan saat berkedip

Menatap keluar dari kapsul ruang mereka, astronot Apollo menyaksikan pemandangan yang manusia belum pernah lihat sebelumnya. Mereka melihat pemandangan bumi yang biru terang terhadap. Mereka melihat sisi jauh Bulan. Mereka juga melihat kilatan cahaya aneh di dalam bola mata mereka!

10.Anda mungkin harus mengambil spons mandi untuk kebersihan diri

Sementara stasiun seperti Skylab dan Mir telah dilengkapi dengan pancuran,Banyak astronot mengganti spons mandi dengan menggunakan waslap atau handuk basah. Hal ini akan mengurangi jumlah air yang dikonsumsi. Setiap astronot juga akan memiliki kit kebersihan diri dengan sikat gigi, pasta gigi, shampoo, pisau cukur dan perlengkapan mandi dasar lainnya.

Rahasia Yang Disembunyikan NASA

Tahu kah kamu pada tahun 1983, NASA mengorbitkan sebuat Satelit namanya The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), yang bertujuan untuk mendeteksi object-object planet yang ada digalaxy kita (http://space.skyrocket.de/indexfram…sdat/iras.htm). Dan hasilnya dari statelit ini menangkap adanya planet baru yaitu NIBIRU atau PLANET X yang akan memasuki Sistem tata surya matahari.
Tapi berita ini disembunyikan oleh NASA, kenapa?

Adanya Ramalan dari pendahulu kita :

Nostradamus ( pakar peramal terkemuka dunia ) : “A big object heading to our planet, it will reach by 2012 but it wont hit us”
Alber Einstein ( tokoh saintis terkenal abad ini ) : “Be careful about Pole Shift (Keterbalikan kutub utara dan selatan yang menyebabkan matahari terbit di sebelah barat) to the earth that can suffer people alot.”
Suku Maya : Meramalkan kehidupan manusia dimulai dari yaitu pada 11 Agustus 3114 SM sampai berakhir pada yaitu 21 Desember 2012.

Ramalan2 serta fakta ancaman dunia
(tahun 2012 – 2024)
Tahu kah kamu pada tahun 1983, NASA mengorbitkan sebuat Satelit namanya The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), yang bertujuan untuk mendeteksi object-object planet yang ada digalaxy kita (http://space.skyrocket.de/indexfram…sdat/iras.htm). Dan hasilnya dari statelit ini menangkap adanya planet baru yaitu NIBIRU atau PLANET X yang akan memasuki Sistem tata surya matahari.
Tapi berita ini disembunyikan oleh NASA, kenapa?
1. Nasa Mengclaim pada kejadian itu akan membuat 2/3 Populasi manusia akan musnah
2. Ada 2 Versi orbit PLanet X / Planet Nibiru yang Beredar di NASA dan ESA (European Space Agency)
1st Version


Apa efeknya bagi dunia Jika dihantam benda segitu besar? Tsunami setinggi 3-5 KM & bersamaan dengan Gempa Bumi lebih dari 10 SR, kehilangan tekanan udara menyebabkan badai yang besar. Pemberitaan Resmi NASA tentang perubahan Polar System tahun 2012 sudah keluar di web resminya:
Disana dikatakan akan adanya badai besar pada tahun 2012 dan Tsunami besar di tahun 2012, pada wilayah lautan disekitar “Convenyor Belt” & Indonesia adalah bagian dari “Convenyor Belt”. Dan pada web resminya di : http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2…r_oldcycle.htm
Pada web itu, Nasa mengatakan bahwa 2012 polar matahari memiliki titik didih yang sangat tinggi, artinya bumi akan menerima panas 3-5x lebih besar dari sekarang. (Lihat Kurva sebelah kanan pada tahun 2012).
Kejadian seperti planet Nibiru ini akan selalu terjadi setiap 3600 tahun sekali & sampe sekarang belum ada jalan keluarnya,itulah kenapa NASA sibuk mencari planet baru yang bisa dijangkau manusia hingga sekarang. NASA mengkalim jika hal ini terjadi maka 2/3 Populasi umat manusia akan lenyap.

Jika hal ini disebarkan dari sekarang secara resmi, maka kekacauan dunia akan terjadi, penjarahan dimana-mana, dan global panic. Itu kenapa NASA tutup mulut.

Planet Nibiru dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar pada tanggal 15 May 2009 sebagai object kemerah2an disiang dan malam. Akan terlihat sangat jelas di bumi bagian selatan, seperti australia, new zealand, america latin, dst. Dan pada bulan May 2011, Planet Niburu akan dapat dilihat secara jelas oleh semua penduduk bumi dengan mata telanjang seperti 2 matahari pada siang hari dan 2 bulan pada malam hari. Dan ‘tabrakan’ akan terjadi pada 21 Desember 2012 dan berakhir pada tanggal 14 Februari 2013. Ada 2 versi yaitu tabrakan atau berdekatan dengan bumi (mempengaruhi gravitasi bumi dan menarik asteroid / meteroid memasuki orbit bumi). Apa yang anda siapkan dari tahun sekarang hingga 2012 ?

“Tapi NASA terbaru ini mengatakan bahwa Banyak Video beredar di Youtube adalah HOAX karena Planet Nibiru hanya sampe Asteroid Belt saja tida sampai memasuki orbit bumi : http://2012planetx.info/archives/153”

Kewujudan planet Nibiru serta pembakaran terbuka. Rimba Amazon akan lenyap, kerana berluasnya area pembakaran ladang sewaktu musim kekeringan. Antara tahun 2015 – 2020 rimba belantara Amazon bakal lenyap. Mulai 6 Disember langit berubah memasuki zaman awan hitam, disebut sebagai kabut pekat disebabkan oleh cuaca yang buruk.

Tahun 2013

Penyembuhan kanser berhasil. Penelitian terhadap metode penyembuhan penyakit kanker selain tumor otak dinyatakan berhasil. Pulau Bahama dari kepulauan Hindia barat (dekat kepulauan Karibia), antara tanggal 1 -25 November, letusan gunung berapi bakal berlaku maka terjadinya gempa bumi, sesudah itu juga bakal terjadi tsunami super raksasa setinggi 150 meter, gelombang tsunami setinggi kira-kira 80 meter akan menyapu lautan Karibia, daratan AS, Brazil dan lain-lain juga bakal dihentam masuk jauh ke daratan hingga 15 – 20 km. Sebelum tsunami terjadi, air laut akan surut sedalam 6 meter, sejumlah besar penyu juga akan mulai bergerak.

Tahun 2014

Planet kecil mendekati bumi. Planet kecil ini akan perlahan-lahan mendekati bumi dan ada kemungkinan berlanggaran dengan bumi, kewujudan planet kecil ini akan mempengaruhi permasalahan, iaitu tentang timbul tenggelamnya umat manusia di bumi.

Tahun 2015

Pertengahan November, suhu dunia rata-rata kemungkinan mencapai 59° Celcius, diramalkan kebanyakan orang akan mati kepanasan, menyebabkan kehidupan bumi terganggu dan semakin parah.

Tahun 2016

Pertengahan bulan April terjadinya serangan taufan. Ibu kota di Tiongkok (China) akan mengalami kerosakan, sekitar 1000 orang diramalkan hanyut dalam ribut taufan tersebut. Amerika Syarikat pada saat ini, bakal masuk ruang kegawatan ekonomi darurat, iaitu kegawatan di ambang kematian.

Tahun 2018

Mengenai masalah pendekatan planet kecil ke bumi, para-para pemimpin dari berbagai pemerintah dunia, berkumpul mengadakan perbincangan. Jucelino (professor dari Brasil) pada tahun 2000 sudah meramalkannya tentang planet kecil ini. NASA menamakan planet kecil tersebut “2002NZT7”.

Tahun 2026

Tsunami di San Francisco bakal terjadi setinggi kira-kira 150 meter. Kemudian terjadinya gempa bumi super besar di San Francisco pada bulan June, disebut sebagai “The Big One”, menyebabkan sebahagian besar San Andreas Fault akan diancam. Negara di bahagian California juga turut diancam. Banyak kawah-kawah gunung berapi bakal meletus kembali, ketinggian tsunami juga boleh melebihi 150 meter.

Tahun 2043

Penduduk dunia berkurang secara drastis, terdapat sekitar 80% penduduk tewas di dalam bencana.

Kesimpulan dari petikan ini…

Semua petikan ini hanyalah ramalan serta penyelidikan semata-mata yang dikaji oleh manusia (ilmu itu satu kewajipan).Seperti di dalam surah:

Al-Mujadallah ayat 11

“Allah akan mengangkat orang-orang yang beriman yang mempunyai ilmu diantara kamu dengan beberapa darjat”.
Manusia dibenarkan mencari, mengkaji (apa yang tersirat), membuat ramalan (benda ghaib) atau apa yang bakal berlaku . Tetapi yang namanya bencana dan akhir dunia hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu. Hiduplah sebaik-baiknyanya hari ini seakan-akan besok akan kiamat.
